Application Letter Part 3


Jakarta, January 10, 2022

Subject: Job Application


HRD Manager PT Berkas Jaya Group

Jl. Malang Transverse No. 9, Bandung

in place

Yours faithfully,

Based on the information on job vacancies for marketing positions that I got in the Harian Pos newspaper edition January 10, 2022, I hereby intend to apply for a job as Marketing Staff at PT Berkas Jaya Group.

My personal data are as follows:

Name : Abdul Syukur Saputra

Male gender

Place/date of birth: Sleman, March 11, 1992

Address : Jl. Caang Bulan No. 2, Bandung

Education : S1 Management, Padjadjaran University

Telephone/HP : 0812345678

I have experience in Marketing Staff position for 3 years, have fluent English skills, and can work independently or in a team.

For consideration, I attach the following completeness of personal data:

curriculum vitae

photo size 3 x 4

photocopy of ID card

curriculum vitae

photocopy of the last diploma

copy of SKCK

copy of work experience letter


I really hope to be called for an interview so that I can explain in more detail about my potential and abilities.

Thus this job application letter I made truthfully and honestly. For your attention, Mr. / Mrs. leadership, I thank you.

 Yours faithfully


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